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IAG Earth Tide Commission (ETC)

Working Group 8:
Gravitational Physics

Chairperson: Lalu Manshinha

The Working Group 8 on "Gravitational Physics" was created in August 2000 to tackle among others the following scientific problems:

|||||The Problem of Aberration:

Modern tidal position catalogs assume that the true position of the tide causing body is responsible for the tidal forces, rather than the apparent position, as in optical astronomy. The problem may have consequences, as it may imply relative velocities between the gravity and optical signals. This is a case for experts in Celestial Mechanics and in Earth Tides.

|||||The Gravitational Shielding:

There is currently no accepted theory of gravity that incorporates or predicts gravitational shielding. The problem is possibly different from the absorption of gravitational radiation by matter. The Earth Tide community should think about, and search for, the consequences of shielding.

|||||For further information contact:

Prof. Lalu Manshinha
Chairperson ETC Working Group 8
Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
1151 Richmond St., London, On N6A5B7, CANADA
Fax: +1-519-661-3198
e-mail: lalu@uwo.ca

(Last update: 2000 Nov. 18)

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