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Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa Oiwake-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Phone & Facsimile  : +81-75-753-3912


Personal History

  1. Born:
        In Hyogo, Japan  on February 24,  1955

  1. Education:
        1990           D.Sc, University of Tokyo.  
        1979-1980  Ph.D.(incomplete),  Kyoto University, geophysics
        1977-1979  M.Sc., Kyoto University, geophysics
        1977-1973  B.Sc., Kyoto University, geophysics

  1. Professional experience

2007 Feb. -    Professor,  Department of Geophysics, 
                              Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
    1996-2007      Associate Professor,  Department of Geophysics, 
                              Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
    1992-1996       Associate Professor,  Beppu Geophysical Research  Laboratory, 
                              Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
    1987-1992       Research Associate, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
    1980-1987       Research Associate, Faculty of Science, Hirosaki University

  1. Awards:
        1996  Hydrographic Technology Award, Japan Hydrographic  Association
        1994  Tsuboi Prize, The Geodetic Society of Japan

 Major field of Investigation:

  Physical Geodesy,  Marine Geodesy,
  Satellite gravity, Marine gravimetry and Satellite altimetry
  Precise Gravimetry


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